Guess what?
Today is Valentine's Day,
but i do nothing today,
Today, the first day without her,
I gonna do a test for myself,
Test on how many times I think of her each day starting from today of course,
the mark range for the test is from 0 to 100,
Just like school result,
40 mark means pass and below than 40 means fail,
I never lie you all,
Today i have been checked for her blog for around 10+ times,
Starting from 11am the time i woke up until now 9.43pm,
I keep thinking of how you would response to your friend who asking you { Are you okay? }
but you just dont want to reply them,
Lucky I still have a lot of friends,
who willing to help me,
Dailou, I really appreciate what you told me last night,
I am fine all the time,
Today i just watching some horror movie and playing maple with Clyde,
I really appreciate you who is willing to listen to me,
I am glad that I have you as a Best Friend,
Although i quiet lazy in Farming-.-,
I only interested in training or chionging,
Anyway thank you~
14-02-2009's mark = 20% ====p
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